These are just some of the common conditions that can be treated:
•    migraines/headaches
•    digestive problems
•    asthma
•    back pain
•    various sports injuries
•    recovery after surgery
•    fibromyalgia
•    neck pain
•    irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)
•    hypertension
•    vertigo
•    anxiety and depression
•    circulatory problems
•    menstrual pain
•    and much more…

An osteopathic manual practitioner  works to gently realign musculoskeletal system, investigating why there is a fault in the system framework and how it can be related to the physical problem and looking for the reasons behind it.

What is Osteopathic Manual Treatment (OMT)?
Osteopathy is a treatment philosophy that seeks to identify areas of the body that are restricted or constricted, then gently ease these restrictions so that normal function can resume.

Osteopathy Definition:
Osteopathy applies the knowledge of the structure (anatomy) and function (physiology) of the body, to all diseases, disorders, and dysfunctions.  The tools osteopaths use are their hands.   Osteopathic manual practitioners use a gentle “hands-on” or “manual” approach, applied through osteopathic philosophy,  to identify the causative factor of the problem and restore order to all of the systems: musculoskeletal, respiratory, cardiovascular, digestive, reproductive, or nervous system.

What is the goal of OMT?
The goal of an osteopathic manual treatment is to restore the normal functioning of the affected areas of the body with somatic dysfunctions by stimulating a more appropriate healing process and interrelations between different systems of the human body (musculoskeletal, nervous, circulatory, pulmonary, digestive system etc).   The patient is assessed and treated as a whole unique unit.

Osteopathy is a holistic approach to manual medicine based on philosophical principles introduced by the founder of osteopathy Dr. A.T. Still.

The Basic Principles of Osteopathy are:
1.    The body is a dynamic unit of function.
2.    Structure and function are reciprocally interrelated.
3.    The body has self-healing, self-defending mechanisms.
4.    Rational diagnosis and treatment will consider the previous three principles.

Osteopathic manual practitioners assess and treat your body as a whole, because:
•    symptoms sometimes show up in a different part of  your body from where the problem actually is
•    there may be several factors contributing to the symptoms you experience
Osteopathic treatment is efficient, which helps to minimize the number of visits you need.

What does a typical OMT session consist of?
The initial visit will consist of a complete health history and consultation.   A full physical assessment will then be performed to determine where the dysfunction(s) lie in order to effectively treat the patient.

Each visit will begin with a brief assessment to understand how the body is responding and adapting to the treatment.   The body is always changing and adapting and so too must the treatment approach to efficiently allow the body to heal progressively.

Who can benefit from Osteopathic Manual Therapy?
Absolutely anyone!  Because the treatments are so gentle and non-invasive, anyone from infants to the elderly can be treated.  Osteopathy is essentially manual medicine so any ailment, injury or disease can be treated with OMT (Osteopathic Manual Therapy).

Osteopathy is not a system of techniques.  True osteopathy, as taught by Dr. Still, includes the “osteopathic thinking” to find the source of the problem, and indicates the way to unlock its own self-healing mechanisms.

To obtain more information on how Osteopathy can benefit you, or to book an appointment please contact us.

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