What is Integrative Alternative Health Care?

By Mindy Parmar, OMT/Clinic Owner

Integrative health care is what we believe, at Synergistix, is a holistic, natural approach to your health and well-being that focuses on prevention so that you can avoid pain, long term medications and avoidable illnesses.  We know that everyone is on their own path to health and wellness and wherever you are in your journey, we have a solution and a caring hand to guide you there.  Our facility incorporates everything to help heal your mind, body, spirit and emotion. 

Our services that work on the physical body includes; Osteopathy, Physiotherapy, Massage Therapy, Naturopathic Medicine, Bowen Therapy, Homeopathy, Fascial Stretch Therapy, Active Therapy, Holistic Nutrition and Wellness classes including, yoga, tai chi, pilates and more.  All of these services can be integrated with one another to achieve the most optimal outcome. 

Research is now indicating that the most prevalent issues in this day and age are mental health issues.  The rise of anxiety, depression, Alzheimer’s, dementia and more is devastating for so many people and families.  We have counselling services along with our above services that can assist in moving your mental health in the right direction.  We have regular monthly guided meditation classes and other seminars and workshops to help you along such as Somatic Experiencing.

We also understand that our bodies are energy, as is all matter.  Thus it seemed only fitting to incorporate energy healing as part of our services.  We have various types of energy healing such as Reiki, Huna Healing and Essenian Healing.  With the rise in technology and the use of devices in our everyday life, we need to unplug from these harmful frequencies and plug into a higher frequency of healing.  This is something that everyone needs to do and if you are not sure how, just ask us!

We all want to strive to live healthy, energetic and fulfilling lives and we can help you achieve this by listening to your needs and helping you create your ideal health profile.  You may not be sure of how our services can help you but if you answer yes to any of the questions below, then you are ready to take a step closer to a healthier you.

  1. Are you tired of taking medications?
  2. Are you in constant pain and discomfort?
  3. Do you have trouble sleeping?
  4. Do you have digestive issues such as acid reflux, IBS or diabetes?
  5. Are you constantly lethargic, have brain fog and get irritated easily?

Take a step towards alternative health care and learn how our highly qualified staff can work with you.  Our team will work with your needs so that you are well cared for.

Come and see us at our booth for a chat or to try out one of our demos and to pick up your free pass to any one of our wellness classes.  We look forward to meeting you!



What is Integrative Alternative Health Care?
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