Understand & Healing Trauma Workshop
Tuesday, October 22 –  6-7 pm

Cost – $20.00

Trauma is anything that feels “too much, too fast, too soon”.
Chronic stress and our busy, modern day life can result in this feeling too!

Yet the body has an innate capacity to heal and self-regulate!
There is definitely hope!!

Join us to learn more!

• How stress or trauma affects your body and creates nervous system imbalances. Leading to issues such as chronic fatigue, pain, anxiety, depression, digestive, adrenal and hormonal issues.
• How childhood experiences/traumas can impact your health in adulthood.
• How stress and trauma lead to a disconnection from your body and from others.
• More importantly learn simple practices to return home to your body, manage stress, enhance nervous system regulation and improve emotional and physical health. To feel connected within and with others.
• Share your experiences (if you wish!), learn and grow within a group setting.

Event Details:
Date:  Tuesday, October 22
Time: 6-7 pm
Address: 10 Henderson Ave, Brampton.  L6Y 2A4

By: Avdeep Bahra, Occupational Therapist and Somatic Therapist.
Contact for information or to register: (416) 709-0530/avdeep.bahra@gmail.com

About Avdeep:
Avdeep Bahra is a trauma-informed Occupational Therapist, HeartMath Certified Coach and student in the Somatic Experiencing Practitioner training. After spending years struggling with chronic fatigue and pain with no medical reasons given at the time, she came to the realization that much of it was stemming from unresolved trauma and related emotions.

Through her personal journey, she recognized the power of emotional work, embodiment, nervous system regulation, self-expression and connection with others in healing. The approaches Avdeep learnt along this path have now become her gift and way for supporting others. She is passionate about working with others on similar journeys and offers one on one appointments, retreats and on-line group programs for women.
Discover more at www.avdeepbahra.com

Event Link on Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/events/388888178455107/



Understand & Healing Trauma Workshop – October 22, 2019
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